The Phantom Menace Review

Favourite Quote :

“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.” – Qui-Gon Jinn

“You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting.” – Shmi Skywalker


When I first saw  The Phantom Menace, I was a little kid and I liked it very much. 
Of course, from the perspective of a 4-year-old, the film was interesting and told a history about another child,
 so how could I not like it . Many years later I watch this movie as a teenager and then I was like – seriously!?
 Dialogues were a bit childish, the character Jar Jar Binks was annoying and exaggerated.
 Now, considering the new SW trilogy, I can say that The Phantom Menace after all it’s not tha bad.

Let's say it clear Star Wars is not known for its twisted plot and complexity, nor the complex characters development and logical events, but for the epic atmosphere, outstanding music  and memorable characters.

So let's take this  reviews apart  for good and sidesbad

- Firstly the bad sides

1. Who is Obi- Wan ?

The character of  Obi Wan has not been fully shown to us. He had nothing to do or say throughout the movie except flash his light sabre around from time-to-time. Who is Obi Wan??? After seeing the film I'm none the wiser. And the final sabre duel (good as it was) would have been infinitely better had the relationship between Qui-Gon and Obi Wan been explored past the mere mentor-apprentice motif. The final sabre duel lacked emotional involvement as a consequence.

2.      Midi-what ?!

Midi-chlorians the biological exposition on the Force! Was that realy necessary? The first three films pointed to links between the Force and genetics but we don't need tiresome cold scientific explanations as to the Force's origin, That was realy unnecessary and  ruins the mystique of "the force".

3.Jar-Jar WHY!?

Why did they make Jar-Jar so irritating ? I know that Yoda speaks "special"

but if we are talking about Jar-Jar, I found myself becoming annoyed at having to strain to understand his nonsensical utterings! The way he acts and his interactions  with other characters are just unlogical and iritating. I supposed his character was going to be funny and maybe when a 6 year old watches it,  it is but when grown-up person watching the movie, is just asking himself why ?

4. Monsters inc.

Senate deliberations scene is just funny and boring. The way in which the appearance of other nations is presented, they looks like funny monsters from PIXAR’s Monsters Inc.

- And now the good sides of this movie

1. The visuals effects

The visuals are stunning - a lot of love and hard work has quite obviously gone into the effects and the people involved can quite rightly be proud of their work. The’re pure masterpiece. The great example of brilliant using of special effects can be "The Pod Race " which was exciting and amusing

2. The Acting

All the performances by the main characters were very good. Natalie Portman was great and really convincing as the young warrior princess who is not afraid of death and do everything she can to save her people and big applause to Pernilla August performance was very emotional and touching.

3. Fight !

The final sabre duel was quite fantastic : Darth Maul prowling up and down like a caged tiger was a particularly excellent touch - it added real tension and anticipation to the scene. And the music that makes this scene unforgetable

4. John Williams my lord.

Star Wars without John Williams would lose much of its charm and intensity. The music as always was magnificent, touching and unforgettable.

Rating 3,5 /5


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